Ibuprofen 100mg & Paracetamol 162.5 mg Suspension

Brand Name: Bergamol-IBU

Composition: Ibuprofen 100mg & Paracetamol 162.5 mg Suspension


SKU: d03b022d9326 Category:


Ibuprofen 100mg & Paracetamol 162.5mg Suspension is a pediatric medication combining the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of ibuprofen with the fever-reducing effects of paracetamol. The suspension is commonly used to alleviate mild to moderate pain and reduce fever in children. Ibuprofen works by inhibiting inflammatory substances, providing relief from pain and inflammation, while paracetamol acts centrally to lower fever and diminish discomfort. This combination offers a balanced approach to managing various conditions, such as minor injuries or infections, making it a popular choice for pediatric care. It’s crucial to follow prescribed dosages and consult healthcare professionals for proper administration.

Benefits of Using Ferrous ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup

Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup provide essential nutritional support, particularly for individuals with iron deficiency anemia. Ferrous ascorbate contributes iron, crucial for red blood cell formation and oxygen transport, alleviating anemia symptoms like fatigue. Folic acid aids in DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation. The combination enhances iron absorption and utilization. This syrup is especially beneficial during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects and support fetal development. Regular use supports overall health by addressing nutritional deficiencies, promoting proper blood cell function, and ensuring optimal iron and folic acid levels in the body. Always consult healthcare professionals for proper usage.

How to Use Ferrous ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup

To use Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup, follow the prescribed dosage provided by a healthcare professional. Typically, it is taken orally with or without food. Shake the bottle well before use, and use a measuring spoon or dropper for accurate dosing. Avoid mixing it with dairy products or calcium-rich foods, as they might interfere with iron absorption. Take the syrup at the same time each day to establish a routine. It’s crucial not to exceed the recommended dosage to prevent adverse effects. If there are any concerns or side effects, consult with a healthcare provider promptly.

How Ferrous ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup works

Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup work synergistically to address nutritional deficiencies. Ferrous ascorbate provides a well-absorbed form of iron, essential for hemoglobin synthesis and oxygen transport in red blood cells, combating iron-deficiency anemia. The addition of Folic Acid supports DNA synthesis and aids in red blood cell formation. Folic Acid also plays a crucial role in preventing neural tube defects during pregnancy. The combination enhances iron absorption and utilization, ensuring optimal blood cell function and overall health. Regular use, as directed by a healthcare professional, helps replenish iron and folic acid levels, promoting vitality and well-being.

Precautions While Using Ferrous ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup

When using Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup, observe precautions to enhance safety. Avoid taking it with dairy products or calcium-rich foods, as they might hinder iron absorption. Consult a healthcare professional before starting the syrup, especially if allergic to its components. Inform the doctor about existing medical conditions, medications, or ongoing treatments. Iron supplements might cause constipation; increase dietary fiber and fluid intake to alleviate this. Keep the syrup out of reach of children, as excessive iron intake can be harmful. Adhere strictly to prescribed dosages and promptly report any adverse effects or concerns to healthcare providers.

Side Effects of Using Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg Syrup

While Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup is generally well-tolerated, it might cause side effects. Common side effects include gastrointestinal issues like constipation or upset stomach. Iron supplements might lead to dark stools, but this is harmless. In rare cases, individuals might experience allergic reactions, such as rash or swelling. Overdosing can be serious, causing symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. If side effects persist or worsen, seek medical attention promptly. It’s crucial to follow prescribed dosages and inform healthcare providers of any concerns to ensure the safe and effective use of the syrup.

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60 ML

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