Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg & Folic Acid 550mcg Syrup

Brand Name: Bolsofer-XT
Composition: Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg & Folic Acid 550mcg Syrup


SKU: 912049e247eb Category:


Ferrous ascorbate 30mg and Folic Acid 550mcg syrup: is a nutritional supplement designed to address iron and folic acid deficiencies. Ferrous ascorbate provides a highly absorbable form of iron, crucial for hemoglobin production and preventing anemia. Folic acid, a B vitamin, supports the formation of DNA and red blood cells. This syrup is commonly prescribed during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects in the developing fetus and to combat iron-deficiency anemia. It’s a synergistic combination that supports overall health, particularly in individuals with increased iron and folic acid requirements, such as pregnant women or those with certain medical conditions.

Benefits of Using Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg & Folic Acid 550mcg Syrup

Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and folic Acid 550mcg Syrup offers vital health benefits. The ferrous ascorbate component provides easily absorbed iron, essential for preventing anemia and supporting healthy hemoglobin levels. Concurrently, folic acid, a B vitamin, aids in DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation. This combination is particularly advantageous during pregnancy, reducing the risk of neural tube defects and addressing iron deficiency. The syrup is beneficial for individuals with increased iron and folic acid needs, fostering overall well-being and contributing to optimal health by addressing key nutritional requirements. Regular use can help combat deficiencies and promote a healthy blood profile.

How to Use Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg & Folic Acid 550mcg Syrup

To use Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and folic Acid 550mcg Syrup, follow medical guidance. Typically, adults might take a prescribed dosage orally with or without food. Shake the syrup well before use and use a measuring device for accurate doses. It’s crucial not to exceed the recommended dose to avoid adverse effects. For pregnant women, adherence to prenatal care instructions is essential. Avoid taking calcium-rich foods or supplements simultaneously, as they can hinder iron absorption. Consistent use, as directed by a healthcare professional, ensures optimal absorption and effectiveness, addressing iron and folic acid deficiencies for improved health outcomes.

How Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg & Folic Acid 550mcg Syrup Works

Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and folic Acid 550mcg Syrup work synergistically to address nutritional deficiencies. Ferrous ascorbate provides a well-absorbed iron source, supporting hemoglobin synthesis and preventing anemia. Iron is essential for oxygen transport in the blood. Concurrently, folic acid, a B vitamin, aids in DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation. The combination is particularly vital during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects. Iron and folic acid collaborate to enhance overall blood health, ensuring proper oxygenation and cellular function. The synergistic action of these components makes the syrup an effective solution for individuals with increased iron and folic acid requirements.

Precautions While Using Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg & Folic Acid 550mcg Syrup

While using Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and folic Acid 550mcg Syrup, adhere to precautions for optimal safety. Consult a healthcare professional for appropriate dosage and duration. Avoid exceeding recommended amounts to prevent adverse effects. Take the syrup as directed, with or without food, and use a precise measuring device. Do not consume calcium-rich foods or supplements simultaneously, as they might hinder iron absorption. Inform your healthcare provider about existing medical conditions and medications. Monitor for potential side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort. Pregnant women should strictly follow prenatal care instructions. Regular check-ups ensure proper management and minimize the risk of complications.

Side Effects of Using Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg & Folic Acid 550mcg Syrup

Ferrous Ascorbate 30mg and folic Acid 550mcg Syrup might cause side effects, though they are generally well-tolerated. Common side effects include gastrointestinal issues like nausea, constipation, or stomach discomfort. In some cases, it might cause allergic reactions or skin rashes. Iron supplementation can lead to darkening of stools, which is normal. Serious side effects are rare but might include severe allergic reactions. If adverse effects persist or worsen, consult a healthcare professional promptly. It’s crucial to follow prescribed dosages and inform your healthcare provider about any pre-existing conditions or medications to minimize the risk of complications.

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