Megaldrate & Simethicone Oral Suspension

Brand Name: Twigcid
Composition: Megaldrate 480mg & Simethicone 20mg Oral Suspension


SKU: 7ac1d83cf8a6 Category:


Megaldrate 480mg & Simethicone 20mg Oral Suspension – Twigcid is a medication combination of Magaldrate and Simethicone. Magaldrate is an inorganic salt that neutralises excess stomach acid. Simethicone is an antifoaming medication that dissolves gas bubbles and allows gas to pass easily. Finally, this mixture is used to treat acid reflux, stomach ulcers, and bloating.

Uses of Megaldrate & Simethicone Oral Suspension

  • Megaldrate & Simethicone Oral Suspension reduces stomach acidity, preventing heartburn and indigestion. It is typically used in conjunction with other medications to treat your illness.
  • Megaldrate & Simethicone Oral Suspension lowers the amount of acid produced by your stomach, preventing further damage to the ulcer as it heals naturally.
  • Megaldrate & Simethicone Oral Suspension promotes food movement in the stomach and aids in the prevention of bloating.

Precautions to use of Megaldrate & Simethicone Oral Suspension

If you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or breastfeeding, you should inform your doctor before using this medication. You should also inform your doctor if you have any renal or liver illnesses so that he or she can prescribe an appropriate amount for you.

Directions to use Megaldrate & Simethicone Oral Suspension

Megaldrate & Simethicone Oral Suspension is taken with food at the prescribed dose and time. Your dose will be determined by your illness and how you respond to the medication. You should continue to take this medication for as long as your doctor suggests. If you discontinue treatment too soon, your symptoms may return and your condition may worsen. Inform your healthcare provider about any other medications you are taking, since some may interact with or be affected by this medication.

Possible Side Effects of Megaldrate 480mg & Simethicone 20mg Oral Suspension

The most frequently reported side effects include a chalky taste, diarrhoea, and constipation. The majority of these are transitory and usually go away with time. If you are concerned about any of these adverse effects, contact your doctor right away. To get rid of constipation, eat more fiber-rich meals and remain hydrated.


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Megaldrate 480mg & Simethicone 20mg Oral Suspension

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