Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg & Guaiphenesin 50mg Syrup

Brand Name: Twigkof-LS
Composition: Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg & Guaiphenesin 50mg Syrup


SKU: 4302e3ee5863 Category:


Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg, and Guaiphenesin 50mg syrup: Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg, and Guaiphenesin 50mg syrup constitute a potent respiratory medication. Levosalbutamol, a bronchodilator, widens air passages, easing breathing in conditions like asthma. Ambroxol, a mucolytic, breaks down and loosens thick mucus, aiding in its clearance. Guaiphenesin, an expectorant, further facilitates mucus removal by promoting coughing. This combined formulation provides comprehensive relief for respiratory issues, improving airflow and alleviating symptoms associated with bronchial congestion. However, adherence to prescribed dosages and medical guidance is essential for effective and safe use.

Benefits of Using Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg & Guaiphenesin 50mg Syrup

Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg, and Guaiphenesin 50mg syrup synergistically provide respiratory relief. Levosalbutamol, a bronchodilator, eases airway constriction, promoting easier breathing. Ambroxol, a mucolytic, thins mucus, facilitating its clearance and relieving congestion. Guaiphenesin acts as an expectorant, aiding in the expulsion of phlegm. Together, they alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions like bronchitis and asthma, offering a comprehensive solution for improved lung function. It’s crucial to follow medical advice and dosage recommendations for optimal results and minimal side effects.

How to Use Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg & Guaiphenesin 50mg Syrup

Shake the Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg, and Guaiphenesin 50mg syrup well before use. For adults, take 5ml thrice daily; for children, dosage varies based on age. Use the provided measuring cup for accurate dosing. Administer orally, ensuring a consistent interval between doses. Avoid exceeding the recommended dosage to prevent adverse effects. It’s advisable to take the medication with or after meals. If a dose is missed, skip it and resume the regular schedule, but never double up on doses. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance, especially if there are pre-existing medical conditions or concerns about potential interactions.

How Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg & Guaiphenesin 50mg Syrup Works 

Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg, and Guaiphenesin 50mg syrup work synergistically to address respiratory issues. Levosalbutamol, a bronchodilator, relaxes airway muscles, easing constriction and facilitating easier breathing in conditions like asthma. Ambroxol, a mucolytic, breaks down thick mucus in the airways, promoting its clearance and relieving congestion. Guaiphenesin, an expectorant, further aids mucus expulsion by thinning it. This combined action helps improve airflow, reduces coughing, and alleviates symptoms associated with respiratory ailments. The trio’s complementary mechanisms provide comprehensive relief for individuals dealing with bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or similar respiratory challenges.

Precautions while using Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg & Guaiphenesin 50mg Syrup 

When using Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg, and Guaiphenesin 50mg syrup, exercise caution by adhering to precautions. Inform your healthcare provider about existing medical conditions, allergies, or medications to avoid potential interactions. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should consult a doctor before usage. Monitor for adverse effects like palpitations or allergic reactions. Avoid alcohol consumption during the course. Follow the prescribed dosage strictly and refrain from self-adjustment. If there’s minimal improvement or worsening symptoms, seek medical advice promptly. It’s crucial to stay hydrated and maintain adequate fluid intake. Regular check-ups and open communication with a healthcare professional ensure safe and effective use of the medication.

Side Effects of Using Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg & Guaiphenesin 50mg Syrup 

While Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg, and Guaiphenesin 50mg syrup generally offer respiratory relief, potential side effects might occur. Levosalbutamol can cause tremors, palpitations, or headaches. Ambroxol might lead to gastrointestinal discomfort or allergic reactions. Guaiphenesin can cause nausea, vomiting, or dizziness. If side effects persist or worsen, consult a healthcare professional. Serious reactions like chest pain or difficulty breathing require immediate medical attention. Inform your doctor about any pre-existing conditions or medications to mitigate risks. It’s essential to balance the benefits and potential side effects, ensuring the medication’s suitability for individual health circumstances.

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